End of Lease Cleaning

Bond back cleaning is a all-encompassing service provided to tenants who are vacating of their rental home. Our deep cleaning service covers all areas of the property , such as the kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, living areas, and outdoor spaces . We aim to make sure that the property is left in pristine condition and meets the standards of the property manager. We understand the importance of a bond refund for our customers, and therefore, offer a bond back guarantee . Pricing begins at $149 and vary depending on the size of the property and the extent of cleaning needed.

The Ultimate Checklist of Rental Inspection Cleaning

An inspection of a rental property can be an emotional time for tenants as it is often the deciding factor in whether they will receive their bond returned or not. It is essential to conduct an efficient cleaning of the property prior to when the inspection is scheduled, so that the landlord or real estate agent is able to verify that the property is well-maintained and ready for the next tenants.

A Guide to the Top End of Lease Cleaning Services

The process of moving out of a rental property can be a stressful and stressful time, but getting your bond back does not have to be. With the proper end of lease cleaning services it is possible to ensure your property is in good condition, which gives you the best chance of getting your full bond returned.